Tuesday, December 14, 2010

OrderMotion Introduces Its Live Dashboard

OrderMotion, a SaaS-based direct commerce order management solution (and a Certified PCI Level One Service Provider), now has a  "Live View" Dashboard that consists of two graphical elements they call "Funnels" and "Gauges," devices to simplify the amount of data that passes through the Campaign Analytics and Order Management Platform.

The Live View Dashboard is a SaaS application designed for eCommerce and Direct Response TV marketers, gathering and processing real-time data feeds through integration with multiple vendors (shopping carts, call centers, payment processors, fulfillment warehouses, and customer service centers).  The shape of the funnel changes based on the flow of orders through the funnel. Both the funnel shape and gauges movement help their users quickly get a top-level view of the success of ad campaigns. As orders move through the funnel, a certain amount is lost to cancellations, returns, bad debt, then orders "grow" as more customers opt into continuity programs (auto-ship).

A healthy order funnel looks like the one depicted above, but a funnel shaped like a golf tee, for example, is bad. Customers can view the funnel's shape and identify quickly where they should drill deeper into the data to uncover why a problem exists.

The four gauges on the right side of the dashboard help answer the question "How are my sales, cancels, voids, returns trending relative to the past?" Indicators in the green zone are good; red one are bad. The larger gauges indicate the most recent data, while the smaller gauges to the right of each large guage indicates data further back, i.e., "Sales were in the red zone 2 months ago (small sales gauge) but are trending towards green last month (large sales gauge)."  You can filter by channel, offer, keycode, standing order configuration, or a time period.

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